“A lot of people like snow. I find it to be an unnecessary freezing of water.” — Carl Reiner
Sometimes travel is difficult. Like in New England over the past two weeks. Two or three days of snow, followed by a clear day or two when everybody goes out to do what needs to be done, then two or three more days of snow. Even people who well remember the Blizzard of ’78 say this is worse in many ways. Traveling is often done on foot (thank God we’re in a city) because the side roads where most of the houses are seem to be largely impassable by cars, despite all the hard work of round-the-clock plowing.
The City of Boston is virtually shut down, with the MBTA stopping
service today and all but non-essential employees told to stay off the roads. Schools have been closed for at least 8 days, with likely more to come. Because Thursday and Sunday we’re supposed to get even more snow. And absolutely no one knows where they’re going to put more snow.
Now, I myself am guilty of having dreamed of an occasional White Christmas. But I usually hoped it would go away by New Year’s Eve. I never envisioned living in a world with a 70+” snowfall and drifts that are often far above my head. It’s pretty in a Ray Bradbury it-hasn’t-stopped-raining-for-60-days kind of way, but we’re all feeling a tad claustrophobic at this point.
Tim and I got out for lunch today and it was good to see other people, even though we also saw the beginning of slush and deep water and wonder where the heck THAT is going to go when this all starts to melt en masse. We’ll see. Such is the Winter of 2015. More to come. But here are a few photos to help you visualize what you might be seeing briefly on the Weather Channel.
Ladies and gentlemen . . . I give you Salem, Massachusetts!
Buon viaggio!

Linda Dini Jenkins is a card-carrying Italophile, travel planner, freelance writer, and amateur photographer. Travel is her passion, so writing about her travels just comes naturally. She hopes all her travelers find a way to express their joys, surprises, and fears as they travel and gives every traveler a nifty journal to help smooth the way. Learn more…

Linda Dini Jenkins is a card-carrying Italophile, travel planner, freelance writer, and amateur photographer. Travel is her passion, so writing about her travels just comes naturally. She hopes all her travelers find a way to express their joys, surprises, and fears as they travel and gives every traveler a nifty journal to help smooth the way. Learn more…